Category: All Construction Blogs

Building Your Dream Home: Embracing the Winter Construction Journey

October 11, 2023
Building Your Dream Home
The decision to build your dream home is a monumental step, a venture filled with excitement, dreams, and a touch of anxiety. What if I told you that starting this endeavor in the winter, despite the cold and snow, could be a strategic choice when you work with Butterfield Builders? While it might seem counterintuitive, […]
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Building Codes

September 11, 2023
Building Codes
Whether you are a rule follower or not, building codes can be confusing and frustrating. But it’s important to remember that these codes were put in place to protect you by making sure the build process and overall structure is safe. Over the last century, industry organizations and the US government have studied failed builds […]
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Commercial Projects Start to Finish

August 11, 2023
Commercial Projects Start to Finish
For large, commercial projects, many business owners end up needing to hire several different companies to take their job from planning to construction to finish. This causes frustration due to all the juggling of schedules and coordination and makes it complicated to stay on track. That is not the case with Butterfield Builders. We expertly […]
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What’s Involved in Concrete Foundations

July 11, 2023
What’s Involved in Concrete Foundations
When building a home, the foundation is absolutely essential to the overall safety of the structure. A well-constructed foundation that is properly prepared during the subgrading process all the way through the final curing stages will help prevent major issues down the road, such as dangerous settlement problems. The entire weight of the structure relies […]
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Building Trends for 2023

June 11, 2023
Building Trends for 2023
When it comes to designing your dream home, a quality general contractor is a must. Trends may come and go, but high-quality design never goes out of style. The 2023 St. George Area Parade of Homes delivered an impressive array of style inspirations with their 30 dramatic homes. From those homes, Utah Style & Design […]
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