Category: Residential Construction

From Plans to Permits: Working With a Residential Contractor

May 13, 2024
From Plans to Permits Working With a Residential Contractor
Starting a restoration project around the house may be thrilling and intimidating at the same time. Knowing the entire project lifecycle as a homeowner is essential, from the general planning stages to the specifics of securing permits. Let's dissect the essential actions to close the gap between your ideal house and its actual state. Set […]
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Expected Results of New Home Excavation

January 13, 2024
Expected Results of New Home Excavation
Acquiring a new plot of land to construct your ideal residence is an exciting undertaking, but it's often accompanied by uncertainty about where to start. The location, kind of soil, topography, and season will all affect how much excavation is done. The total cost of your new property may increase or decrease depending on how […]
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Signs of a Good Contractor

November 11, 2023
Signs of a Good Contractor
The role of a contractor is paramount and you can rest easy with Butterfield Builders. Whether it's the construction of a commercial skyscraper or the crafting of a cozy residential haven, the hands guiding the process shape more than just physical structures. They craft the very essence of our lives, embedding aspirations and security into […]
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Building Your Dream Home: Embracing the Winter Construction Journey

October 11, 2023
Building Your Dream Home
The decision to build your dream home is a monumental step, a venture filled with excitement, dreams, and a touch of anxiety. What if I told you that starting this endeavor in the winter, despite the cold and snow, could be a strategic choice when you work with Butterfield Builders? While it might seem counterintuitive, […]
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Building Codes

September 11, 2023
Building Codes
Whether you are a rule follower or not, building codes can be confusing and frustrating. But it’s important to remember that these codes were put in place to protect you by making sure the build process and overall structure is safe. Over the last century, industry organizations and the US government have studied failed builds […]
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